如何在中國使用手機:SIM 卡、國際漫遊和免費 Wi-Fi 選項

How to Use Your Phone in China: SIM Cards, International Roaming, and Free Wi-Fi Options

When traveling to China, staying connected is essential. Whether you need to access maps, contact local services, or share your travel experiences, having reliable internet access is crucial. So, how can you use your phone while traveling in China? Do you need to buy a local SIM card, or is international roaming a good option? And what about free Wi-Fi? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate your phone usage in China.

中國 15 個最佳旅遊勝地(2025 年和 2026 年)
與 HelloChinaTrip 的專業導遊一起探索中國

1. Using Your Phone in China with International Roaming

If you don’t want the hassle of purchasing a local SIM card, you can use your home country’s mobile plan by activating international roaming. Most major carriers offer this service, but be aware of the potential high costs. Roaming charges for data, calls, and text messages can be quite steep, and it’s important to check with your carrier before your trip to confirm the rates and coverage.

專業提示: Some international carriers, such as AT&T, Vodafone, and T-Mobile, offer travel packages that may reduce roaming charges, so consider opting for one of these plans if you want to use your phone while avoiding hefty fees.

2. Buying a Local SIM Card in China

For a more cost-effective solution, buying a local SIM card in China is an excellent option. China has several major telecom providers, including 中國移動, 中國聯通, 和 中國電信, all offering competitive data and call plans. A local SIM card will give you a Chinese phone number and the ability to use data without relying on roaming services.

Where to Buy a SIM Card:

  • Airports: Most international airports in China, including Beijing Capital International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport, have kiosks or shops where you can purchase a local SIM card.
  • Telecom Stores: You can also visit telecom provider stores in most major cities. They typically offer English-language assistance, and you’ll need your passport for registration.

What to Know Before Buying:

  • Data Packages: Choose a plan that suits your data needs. If you’re staying in China for an extended period, a monthly data package might be the best choice. For short-term visitors, a prepaid plan can work well.
  • SIM Card Compatibility: Make sure your phone is unlocked before arriving in China. If your phone is locked to a specific carrier, it won’t accept a local SIM card.

3. Using Your Existing Phone with WeChat and Other Apps

WeChat, a super-app that combines messaging, social media, and payment services, is essential for navigating daily life in China. You’ll need a Chinese phone number to register for WeChat, so purchasing a local SIM card can be a good choice for both connectivity and convenience.

Additionally, many apps like Baidu Maps (for navigation) and Alipay (for payments) are widely used in China. These apps often require local numbers or region-specific verification, so having a Chinese SIM card can make it easier to set them up.

4. Wi-Fi in China: Free and Paid Options

China offers plenty of free Wi-Fi options, especially in major cities. Here’s where you can access it:

  • Hotels: Most hotels, especially those catering to international tourists, provide free Wi-Fi. However, it’s always a good idea to confirm with the front desk about the availability and speed of the connection.
  • Cafés and Restaurants: Popular chains like Starbucks, McDonald’s, and local cafés typically offer free Wi-Fi to customers. Be sure to ask for the Wi-Fi password when you order.
  • Public Areas: Major shopping malls, airports, and some public spaces in cities may offer free Wi-Fi. However, keep in mind that the connection might be slower and less reliable.

專業提示: While Wi-Fi is available in many places, it’s important to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) if you need to access websites and services that are blocked in China, such as Google, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Make sure to install your VPN app before traveling, as some VPN services are blocked within the country.

5. Mobile Hotspots and Data Roaming Options

If you need reliable internet access on multiple devices (e.g., your phone, tablet, or laptop), you can rent a mobile hotspot. These portable Wi-Fi devices allow you to connect to the internet on the go, and they can be rented at airports or through online services. Mobile hotspots are available in major cities and are ideal for tourists who need to stay connected but want to avoid high roaming charges.

Some mobile providers also offer international SIM cards or data plans that can be used across multiple countries, including China. This might be worth exploring if you’re traveling to multiple destinations in Asia.

6. Internet Restrictions in China

It’s essential to be aware that internet access in China is heavily regulated. The Chinese government blocks many international websites and services, including:

  • Google (Search, Gmail, Maps, etc.)
  • Facebook
  • 嘰嘰喳喳
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp

To access these sites, you’ll need to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). However, it’s important to note that some VPNs are also blocked in China, so make sure you install and test your VPN before arriving.

7. Things to Remember About Using Your Phone in China

  • Language Barrier: Many mobile apps, including those for internet banking and payment, are only available in Chinese. If you don’t speak Chinese, you might find these services challenging to navigate, but popular apps like Google翻譯 can be useful.
  • Charging and Adapters: China uses Type A, C, and I plugs, and the standard voltage is 220V. You may need a plug adapter and voltage converter to charge your devices.
  • Data Usage: Data speeds can vary depending on the region and the provider. In major cities, 4G and 5G networks are widely available, but in rural areas, you might encounter slower speeds.


Staying connected in China is relatively easy with several options available for using your phone. If you’re looking for convenience and cost-efficiency, purchasing a local SIM card is a great choice. For those who want to avoid the hassle, international roaming is an option, though it can be expensive. Free Wi-Fi is also widely available in cities, but using a VPN will be necessary for accessing blocked sites. Whatever option you choose, it’s important to prepare ahead of time to ensure smooth communication and connectivity during your travels in China.






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How to get a mobile phone SIM card in China


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我們透過 HelloChinaTrip 預訂了中國長城之旅,它超出了我們的預期!從我們抵達北京的那一刻起,我們的導遊艾米麗就讓我們的旅程的每一步都充滿樂趣和訊息。遊覽慕田峪和金山嶺兩段長城,讓我們從容不迫地感受到長城的雄偉。 Emily分享的那些不為人知的歷史故事讓這趟旅行令人難忘。感謝他們的出色推薦,一路上我們還品嚐了美味的當地美食。這真是一生難得的經驗!




我們和 HelloChinaTrip 一起進行的家庭旅行棒極了!我們用十天時間遊覽了上海、杭州和蘇州,一切都安排得非常完美。特別感謝我們的導遊 Lily,她對孩子們非常有耐心,非常棒,用引人入勝的故事讓他們開心而投入。行程完美地融合了歷史、文化和有趣的活動。我們特別喜歡乘船遊覽西湖。這次旅行給我們的家庭留下了難忘的回憶,我們將永遠珍惜!
















我們與HelloChinaTrip一起進行的8天西藏之旅是一次非凡的旅程。從布達拉宮到令人驚嘆的納木措湖,每個景色都令人驚嘆不已。我們的導遊 Tenzin 知識淵博,深諳西藏的文化,他與我們分享的故事讓我們的西藏之旅變得非常個性化。物流非常順暢,我們在這個偏遠地區感覺受到了很好的照顧。一生一次的冒險!




我們在桂林和陽朔的自然之旅美不勝收。漓江遊船和龍脊梯田健行是亮點。我們的導遊 Leo 了解每一個隱藏的觀點和當地的故事。美麗的風景和熱情的款待使這次旅行令人難忘。

