
Bustling Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong Island is an important part of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is located on the coast of the South China Sea, facing the South China Sea to the east, facing the Kowloon Peninsula across Victoria Harbour to the west, and facing the South China Sea to the south. Hong Kong Island is one of the earliest developed areas in Hong Kong and is also the commercial, financial and tourist center of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Island is a vibrant and modern city with towering skyscrapers, busy shopping malls, world-renowned food and cultural attractions. The Victoria Harbour on the island is one of the three largest natural harbors in the world, and the night view of Victoria Harbour at night is even more stunning.

At 9:00 AM, your private English-speaking guide will pick you up at your hotel. The departure time is up to you. Your guide will call the hotel or leave a message to confirm the meeting time with you one day in advance.
Visit Victoria Peak, which is also the highest peak in Hong Kong. There is the 112-year-old Peak Tram, which is the best place to overlook the city.
Worth knowing:
Includes a one-way Peak Tram (8 minutes). Your guide will buy your ticket in advance to save you time, but in peak season, you still need to queue for about 8 to 20 minutes to take the cable car. Your experienced guide will flexibly adjust the itinerary to minimize waiting time.
The next stop is Repulse Bay, Hong Kong’s “Golden Beach”. Repulse Bay is located at the southern end of the Peak and is the most representative bay in Hong Kong. The bay is shaped like a crescent, stretching for a long time, with gentle waves and fine sand. It is now one of the most upscale residential areas in Hong Kong.
Worth knowing:
If you are not interested in Repulse Bay, we can arrange a visit to Stanley Market. Once a fishing village, Stanley Market is now a great place to buy a variety of goods, including Chinese-style artworks, silk fabrics, antiques and large-size clothes.
Our last stop is special, we have planned an experience for you in the fishermen’s living area – Aberdeen. Aberdeen is world-renowned for its fishing village style and seafood and is a world-renowned tourist destination. The tour includes a 15-minute sampan ride, allowing you to observe this unusual lifestyle up close.
After the tour, you will be escorted back to the hotel.
Enjoy the stunning panoramic view of the city skyline from the Peak

Explore the characteristic fishermen’s living area-Aberdeen

Enjoy the gentle waves and soft sand in Repulse Bay

- 門票費用:參觀指定的景點和活動。
- 住宿:指定的雙人/雙床入住的飯店。
- 餐點:依行程所訂。
- 導遊:優秀的私人英語導遊。
- 交通:指定陸上交通,配有司機。
- 旅遊期間的旅行社責任保險。
- 政府稅費。
- 往返中國的國際航班。
- 中國簽證費。
- 支付給導遊和司機的小費以及任何個人費用。
- 我們的旅遊套裝不包括旅遊保險。請在旅行前購買旅遊保險,以防萬一。
- 小團體旅遊旅客-從飯店到西安西安陽國際機場的機場接送服務。
重要資訊 – 私人旅遊
- 這是為您的家人或朋友團體舉辦的私人旅遊。除您之外,團體中不會有其他旅客。
- 建議穿著休閒時尚的服裝和舒適的步行鞋。
- 價格以雙人入住為基礎。
- 所示價格在中國法定假日(如國慶日和春節)期間無效。
- 任何現有旅遊套裝中未包含的城市均可添加到此旅遊中,並作為此私人旅遊的補充。
- 還可以從香港和台北進入和離開中國。
- 入境及出境城市(北京、上海、香港、台北)的停留期限均可延長。
重要資訊 – 小團體旅遊
- 此為小團旅遊,有固定行程,保證出發。
您將與其他人一起旅行(最多 12 人)。 - 建議穿著休閒時尚的服裝和舒適的步行鞋。
- 由於每週一博物館關閉,導遊可能會調整行程。
- 遊覽結束後,我們可應要求提供從您的飯店到上海虹橋機場或浦東機場的收費接送服務。
- 入境及出境城市(北京、上海、香港、台北)的停留期限均可延長。
價格以雙人入住為基礎。 - 所示價格在中國法定假日(如國慶日和春節)期間無效。
- 小團體旅遊最多可容納12人。
香港度假旅遊指南 | Expedia
Taking My Husband on a Nostalgic Tour of My Hometown, HONG KONG!

我們在桂林和陽朔的自然之旅美不勝收。漓江遊船和龍脊梯田健行是亮點。我們的導遊 Leo 了解每一個隱藏的觀點和當地的故事。美麗的風景和熱情的款待使這次旅行令人難忘。


我們在桂林和陽朔的自然之旅美不勝收。漓江遊船和龍脊梯田健行是亮點。我們的導遊 Leo 了解每一個隱藏的觀點和當地的故事。美麗的風景和熱情的款待使這次旅行令人難忘。