
8-Day Yunnan Family Tour


​​Yulong Snow Mountain
the Stone Forest

An Unforgettable Family Trip

What do you want from a family trip? Relaxation, learning, adventure, experience, or just fun? There is a destination in China that can meet all your expectations… Yunnan Tour!
On this 8-day Yunnan family tour, you will visit Kunming, Dali, Shaxi and Lijiang, enjoy driving through idyllic countryside, learn about the unique ethnic minority culture while communicating with locals, walk into an authentic ethnic village to experience its beauty and hospitality, and embark on an adventure to explore the best-kept secrets of the snow-capped mountains.
The following sample itinerary is just one of many possible options. Get involved and share your ideas to make this trip unique.


Meet your private local guide at the arrival hall and transfer you to your hotel. Your guide will help you check in and make sure everything is satisfactory at the hotel.

Avoid the tourist attractions that Chinese people love. Go where there are fewer people – Naigu Stone Forest. You will feel like you are walking in a national geological park instead of a tourist attraction. Play sci-fi games or “name the stones” with the kids in this amazing landscape.
After lunch, drive to Dianchi Lake to feed the birds and take great poster-like photos. Take a leisurely stroll on the old streets to learn about Kunming’s history. Sample local snacks such as cold rice noodles, fried mushrooms, big rice balls, and milk tea.

Wake up early to catch the high-speed train to Dali.
Drive along the east coast of Erhai Lake to see Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake from another perspective. You can stop at several villages along the way to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Wander through Dali Old Town and admire its well-preserved traditional architecture, cobblestone streets, ornate gates and ancient city walls.

Spend the morning visiting Xizhou Village and Zhoucheng Village and learn about the daily life of the Bai people at the market. Explore the beauty created by the Bai people in their architecture, traditional costumes and family tie-dye workshops.
Visit a small and exquisite cafe in Xizhou Village and enjoy the view of the wheat fields. Enjoy the breeze and beautiful countryside.
Take a baking class at the Flower Farm and learn to make flower cakes, a famous snack in Yunnan. Enjoy a cup of flower tea while you taste your own flower cakes, swing in the garden and enjoy the magnificent view of Cangshan Mountain.

Drive to Shaxi Ancient Town. Explore the historical town located between Dali and Lijiang, which was once an important place on the Tea Horse Road. Explore landmarks such as Xingjiao Temple, Sifang Street, the ancient theater and Yujing Bridge.
Step into a private museum dedicated to the relics of the Tea Horse Road trade and immerse yourself in the story of the horse team. Take a leisurely walk along the ancient Tea Horse Road from Shaxi to the neighboring villages, a total of 2.5 miles.

After a 2-hour drive, you can reach Lijiang.
Go to Black Dragon Pond Park to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and take beautiful photos with the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain as the background.
Finally arrive at Lijiang Old Town, stroll through the cobblestone streets, admire the traditional Naxi architecture, and visit local shops and cafes.

Take the cable car to the top of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and enjoy the magnificent view. The cable car will reach Shanzidou Peak, the main peak of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and you will ascend 1,100 meters (3,600 feet) to reach the Glacier Park at an altitude of 4,680 meters (15,350 feet).
Explore Yuhu Village at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, which is less visited by tourists compared to Lijiang Old Town, Shuhe Town, and Baisha Village. Here you can see Naxi women in traditional costumes walking on the streets. There is a lake near the village. By the lake, you can enjoy the stunning view of Jade Dragon Mountain.
Enjoy Naxi hotpot for lunch, and then you will also have the opportunity to visit a Naxi family in Yuhu Village. Try on traditional Naxi costumes and experience Naxi household chores. Learn to make Dongba paper and write the mysterious Dongba script.

Enjoy your last time in Yunnan. After breakfast, your guide and driver will send you to the airport.


Walk through the stone forest and enjoy the mysterious stone landscape:

Walk through the maze-like Naigu Stone Forest and let the guide’s stories about the black stones inspire your imagination.

Naigu Stone Forest
Naigu Stone Forest

Meet the elegant red-billed gulls of Dianchi Lake:

Kunming’s warm climate makes it an ideal wintering place for red-billed gulls, which arrive here in mid-October every year and fly away in groups until the end of March of the following year.

Dianchi Lake
Dianchi Lake

Taste local snacks in Kunming Old Street:

Walk leisurely in Kunming Old Street. Taste local snacks, including rice noodle salad, fried mushrooms, large rice dumplings and milk tea.

Taste local snacks
Taste local snacks

Experience the ancient craft of Bai ethnic group tie-dyeing, which has been passed down for thousands of years:

Learn the secrets of dyes and dye your own handkerchief in the traditional Bai ethnic group tie-dyeing way

Bai Tie-Dyeing
Bai Tie-Dyeing

Making Yunnan Flower Cakes in Bai Villages:

You will learn how to make flower cakes in a beautiful garden hidden in the Bai village. Afterwards, you can sit in the garden and enjoy the flower cakes and flower tea you made.

Flower Cakes
Flower Cakes

Uncover the only remaining ancient market on the Ancient Tea Horse Road:

Shaxi was once an active trading post on the Southern Silk Road. As the only remaining market town on the Ancient Tea Horse Road, Shaxi still holds a local market every Friday.

the Ancient Tea Horse Road
the Ancient Tea Horse Road

Climb the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to enjoy the most beautiful snow scenery and glaciers:

Take the cable car to climb the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Before entering the alpine snowy world, you may be lucky enough to encounter cute animals such as squirrels.

​​Yulong Snow Mountain
​​Yulong Snow Mountain

Experience the daily life of the Naxi people:

Visit a Naxi family in Yuhu Village, wear traditional Naxi costumes, and do housework like local Naxi people. Learn to make Dongba paper and write the mysterious Dongba script.

Yuhu Village
Yuhu Village

Tiger Leaping Gorge Adventure:

Carved by the might of the Jinsha River, this rugged wilderness offers visitors a thrilling hiking experience amidst towering cliffs, raging rapids and cascading waterfalls.

Tiger Leaping Gorge
Tiger Leaping Gorge



  • 門票費用:參觀指定的景點和活動。
  • 住宿:指定的雙人/雙床入住的飯店。
  • 餐點:依行程所訂。
  • 導遊:優秀的私人英語導遊。
  • 交通:指定陸上交通,配有司機。
  • 旅遊期間的旅行社責任保險。
  • 政府稅費。


  • 往返中國的國際航班。
  • 中國簽證費。
  • 支付給導遊和司機的小費以及任何個人費用。
  • 我們的旅遊套裝不包括旅遊保險。請在旅行前購買旅遊保險,以防萬一。
  • 小團體旅遊旅客-從飯店到西安西安陽國際機場的機場接送服務。


重要資訊 – 私人旅遊

  • 這是為您的家人或朋友團體舉辦的私人旅遊。除您之外,團體中不會有其他旅客。
  • 建議穿著休閒時尚的服裝和舒適的步行鞋。
  • 價格以雙人入住為基礎。
  • 所示價格在中國法定假日(如國慶日和春節)期間無效。
  • 任何現有旅遊套裝中未包含的城市均可添加到此旅遊中,並作為此私人旅遊的補充。
  • 還可以從香港和台北進入和離開中國。
  • 入境及出境城市(北京、上海、香港、台北)的停留期限均可延長。

重要資訊 – 小團體旅遊

  • 此為小團旅遊,有固定行程,保證出發。
    您將與其他人一起旅行(最多 12 人)。
  • 建議穿著休閒時尚的服裝和舒適的步行鞋。
  • 由於每週一博物館關閉,導遊可能會調整行程。
  • 遊覽結束後,我們可應要求提供從您的飯店到上海虹橋機場或浦東機場的收費接送服務。
  • 入境及出境城市(北京、上海、香港、台北)的停留期限均可延長。
  • 所示價格在中國法定假日(如國慶日和春節)期間無效。
  • 小團體旅遊最多可容納12人。





Yunnan: The Hidden Paradise of China

Dali Tour


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China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package
China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package
China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package
China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package
China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package
China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package
China Travel, China Customized Travel, China Travel Package






我們透過 HelloChinaTrip 預訂了中國長城之旅,它超出了我們的預期!從我們抵達北京的那一刻起,我們的導遊艾米麗就讓我們的旅程的每一步都充滿樂趣和訊息。遊覽慕田峪和金山嶺兩段長城,讓我們從容不迫地感受到長城的雄偉。 Emily分享的那些不為人知的歷史故事讓這趟旅行令人難忘。感謝他們的出色推薦,一路上我們還品嚐了美味的當地美食。這真是一生難得的經驗!




我們和 HelloChinaTrip 一起進行的家庭旅行棒極了!我們用十天時間遊覽了上海、杭州和蘇州,一切都安排得非常完美。特別感謝我們的導遊 Lily,她對孩子們非常有耐心,非常棒,用引人入勝的故事讓他們開心而投入。行程完美地融合了歷史、文化和有趣的活動。我們特別喜歡乘船遊覽西湖。這次旅行給我們的家庭留下了難忘的回憶,我們將永遠珍惜!
















我們與HelloChinaTrip一起進行的8天西藏之旅是一次非凡的旅程。從布達拉宮到令人驚嘆的納木措湖,每個景色都令人驚嘆不已。我們的導遊 Tenzin 知識淵博,深諳西藏的文化,他與我們分享的故事讓我們的西藏之旅變得非常個性化。物流非常順暢,我們在這個偏遠地區感覺受到了很好的照顧。一生一次的冒險!




我們在桂林和陽朔的自然之旅美不勝收。漓江遊船和龍脊梯田健行是亮點。我們的導遊 Leo 了解每一個隱藏的觀點和當地的故事。美麗的風景和熱情的款待使這次旅行令人難忘。

