4 Days Xilingol Inner Mongolia Grassland Life Tour
4 Days Xilingol Inner Mongolia Grassland Life Tour

Xilin Gol League
Mongolian steppe life
If you want to experience the real Mongolian nomadic life and learn about the herders’ lifestyle, we recommend this tour to you.
During this four-day tour, you will stay at the herders’ family’s summer pasture, live like a local, enjoy the wonderful views of the pristine steppes, and experience Mongolian traditions and culture.
This tour is only available from mid-June to early September, because the herders’ family moves to the city center when the weather gets colder and highland grazing is no longer suitable for their livestock.

From Beijing, we recommend taking the high-speed train to Zhangjiakou. Your private driver will pick you up from Zhangjiakou Railway Station and take you directly to your private summer ranch in Shangdu, Zhenglan Banner, Xilin Gol League (3.5 hours by car).
From Shanghai or other cities, we recommend flying to Xilinhot. Your private driver will pick you up from Xilinhot Airport and take you directly to your private summer ranch in Shangdu, Zhenglan Banner, Xilin Gol League (2 hours by car).
Enjoy a Mongolian home-cooked dinner and feel at home in your own traditional yurt.
Watch the milking of cows in the morning and taste fresh milk and local dairy products.
Take a leisurely walk in the heart of the peaceful Jinlianchuan grassland and feel the vastness of this picturesque grassland with your feet.
After lunch, head to the nearby sand field to experience sandboarding.
Enjoy a barbecue dinner and enjoy traditional Mongolian music, including overtone singing and long songs. Then return to the traditional yurt to rest.
In the morning, you will have another chance to experience milking cows and taste fresh local dairy products. Ride a horse to explore the grasslands, then try archery.
After lunch, do dairy DIY and taste authentic Mongolian snacks. Enjoy a home-cooked dinner with your host and spend your last night in a yurt to reflect on your Mongolian life experience.
Today you will build a real yurt with herders and experience Mongolian culture.
Your private driver will take you to Xilinhot Airport or Zhangjiakou Railway Station to catch a flight/train home or to your next destination.
Live like a Mongolian local:
You will stay in a traditional yurt of a real herder family, milk cows (or watch), make homemade dairy products, and taste homemade Mongolian cuisine.

Explore the pristine grasslands on horseback or on foot:
Go deep into the Jinlianchuan grasslands, which was the summer resort for the emperors of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties (907-1368). Take a horseback ride or a leisurely walk to appreciate its picturesque and vast scenery in a local way.

Do some fun activities with the herder family:
Try Mongolian archery on the grasslands, experience sand sliding on the nearby wild sand, and build a yurt.

Taste homemade Mongolian cuisine:
During your stay at the herders’ home, you will eat with them and taste a variety of homemade Mongolian cuisine.

- 門票費用:參觀指定的景點和活動。
- 住宿:指定的雙人/雙床入住的飯店。
- 餐點:依行程所訂。
- 導遊:優秀的私人英語導遊。
- 交通:指定陸上交通,配有司機。
- 旅遊期間的旅行社責任保險。
- 政府稅費。
- 往返中國的國際航班。
- 中國簽證費。
- 支付給導遊和司機的小費以及任何個人費用。
- 我們的旅遊套裝不包括旅遊保險。請在旅行前購買旅遊保險,以防萬一。
- 小團體旅遊旅客-從飯店到西安西安陽國際機場的機場接送服務。
重要資訊 – 私人旅遊
- 這是為您的家人或朋友團體舉辦的私人旅遊。除您之外,團體中不會有其他旅客。
- 建議穿著休閒時尚的服裝和舒適的步行鞋。
- 價格以雙人入住為基礎。
- 所示價格在中國法定假日(如國慶日和春節)期間無效。
- 任何現有旅遊套裝中未包含的城市均可添加到此旅遊中,並作為此私人旅遊的補充。
- 還可以從香港和台北進入和離開中國。
- 入境及出境城市(北京、上海、香港、台北)的停留期限均可延長。
重要資訊 – 小團體旅遊
- 此為小團旅遊,有固定行程,保證出發。
您將與其他人一起旅行(最多 12 人)。 - 建議穿著休閒時尚的服裝和舒適的步行鞋。
- 由於每週一博物館關閉,導遊可能會調整行程。
- 遊覽結束後,我們可應要求提供從您的飯店到上海虹橋機場或浦東機場的收費接送服務。
- 入境及出境城市(北京、上海、香港、台北)的停留期限均可延長。
價格以雙人入住為基礎。 - 所示價格在中國法定假日(如國慶日和春節)期間無效。
- 小團體旅遊最多可容納12人。
Hulunbuir and Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia
Hulunbuir Drive Tour

我們在桂林和陽朔的自然之旅美不勝收。漓江遊船和龍脊梯田健行是亮點。我們的導遊 Leo 了解每一個隱藏的觀點和當地的故事。美麗的風景和熱情的款待使這次旅行令人難忘。


我們在桂林和陽朔的自然之旅美不勝收。漓江遊船和龍脊梯田健行是亮點。我們的導遊 Leo 了解每一個隱藏的觀點和當地的故事。美麗的風景和熱情的款待使這次旅行令人難忘。