Dicas de viagem para a China para turistas que falam inglês

China Travel Tips for English-Speaking Tourists

Traveling to China is an exciting experience filled with rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes. However, for English-speaking tourists, there are a few essential travel tips to make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Here are some helpful tips to guide you through your adventure in China.

1. Learn Basic Chinese Phrases

While English is becoming more widely spoken, especially in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, many people, especially in rural areas, might not understand it. Learning a few basic Chinese phrases can make your experience much more enjoyable.

Essential Phrases to Know:

  • Olá – 你好 (Nǐ hǎo)
  • Obrigado – 谢谢 (Xièxiè)
  • Yes – 是的 (Shì de)
  • No – 不是 (Bù shì)
  • Excuse me – 对不起 (Duìbùqǐ)
  • How much? – 多少钱? (Duōshao qián?)
  • Where is…? – …在哪里? (…zài nǎlǐ?)

Using a translation app like Google Tradutor ou Cascudo can also be extremely helpful when navigating conversations in Chinese.

2. Use a VPN for Internet Access

Access to websites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other international platforms is restricted in China due to the Great Firewall. If you need to access these sites, it’s essential to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to bypass these restrictions. You can set up a VPN before you arrive in China, as many VPN services are blocked once you’re in the country.

Dica: Download your VPN and make sure it works before arriving in China.

3. Get a Chinese SIM Card or Use an International Roaming Plan

For convenience and to avoid high roaming charges, it’s a good idea to get a cartão SIM local in China. You can purchase a SIM card from any major airport or mobile service provider. With a Chinese SIM, you’ll have access to WeChat, Mapas Baidu, and other apps commonly used in China.

If you prefer to use your own phone number, check with your carrier about international roaming options, but keep in mind that data may be limited and expensive.

4. Use WeChat for Communication and Payments

WeChat is the most popular app in China, used for everything from messaging and social media to payment services. You can send messages, book taxis, and even pay for meals using WeChat Pay. As a tourist, you can set up an account and link it to your credit card or a local Chinese bank card.

Dica: While cash is still used in some areas, Pagamento WeChat e Alipay are the dominant forms of payment in cities, so it’s handy to have these apps set up on your phone.

5. Understand the Currency – Chinese Yuan (CNY)

The official currency in China is the Chinese Yuan (CNY), often referred to as the Renminbi (RMB). It’s best to carry a small amount of cash for situations where credit cards and mobile payments may not be accepted. However, in most major cities, credit and debit cards (like Visa or Mastercard) are widely accepted.

Dica: Make sure to notify your bank about your travel dates so you can use your card without any issues. Also, currency exchange at the airport or banks is straightforward, but be mindful of exchange rates.

6. Be Prepared for Air Pollution

Many cities in China, particularly Pequim, Xangai, e Xian, can experience high levels of air pollution, especially in the winter months. It’s a good idea to check the air quality index before heading out and carry a face mask (such as an N95 mask) if the air quality is poor. If you have any respiratory conditions, consider consulting your doctor before traveling.

Dica: If you’re traveling during the winter months, the air can be quite smoggy, so bring sunglasses to shield your eyes and wear a mask if needed.

7. Understand the Public Transportation System

China’s public transportation system is highly efficient, particularly in major cities. Beijing and Shanghai have excellent metro systems, and taxis are widely available. However, taxis do not always speak English, so it’s helpful to have the destination written in Chinese.

Apps to Use:

  • Didi: The Chinese equivalent of Uber, which can be used to book a taxi or ride-sharing service.
  • Mapas Baidu: A great alternative to Google Maps, as it provides local directions, metro routes, and even real-time traffic updates.

Dica: Metro stations often have English signs, but it’s a good idea to download a local map to make your journey more convenient.

8. Be Prepared for the Chinese Cuisine

Chinese cuisine is diverse, with regional specialties and unique flavors that may be unfamiliar to many Western palates. While popular dishes like sweet and sour chicken e fried rice are available, you’ll find that the local food can be much spicier, saltier, and sometimes more adventurous.

Must-Try Dishes:

  • Pato de Pequim (Beijing)
  • Sichuan Hot Pot (Chengdu)
  • Dim Sum (Guangzhou)
  • Baozi (Steamed buns)
  • Jianbing (Chinese pancake)

If you have dietary restrictions, it’s helpful to carry a translation card or use a translation app to explain your needs.

9. Respect Local Customs and Etiquette

Chinese culture places high value on respect for elders, politeness, e formal manners. When interacting with locals, it’s important to be respectful, particularly in more formal situations.

Cultural Tips:

  • Avoid speaking loudly or making a scene in public spaces.
  • Always hand over money or a gift with both hands as a sign of respect.
  • If invited to a meal, it’s customary to wait for the host to begin eating before you do.
  • Gorjeta is not expected in China, and in most cases, it is not practiced.

10. Be Mindful of the Weather and Seasonal Considerations

China is vast, and the climate varies widely from region to region. For example, Beijing experiences cold winters and hot summers, while cities like Shanghai and Hong Kong have mild winters. Check the weather forecast before your trip to pack accordingly, and consider the best seasons to visit based on where you’re traveling.

Best Times to Visit:

  • Primavera (março a maio): Pleasant weather and fewer crowds.
  • Outono (setembro a novembro): Ideal weather, especially for outdoor activities like hiking along the Great Wall.
  • Verão (junho a agosto): Be prepared for the heat, especially in cities like Beijing and Xi’an.
  • Inverno (dezembro a fevereiro): Cold but great for visiting less crowded tourist attractions.

China is a fascinating country with so much to offer, from its rich cultural heritage to cutting-edge modern cities. As an English-speaking tourist, knowing a few local phrases, having the right apps, and understanding basic customs will go a long way in making your trip smoother and more enjoyable. With a bit of preparation, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in the wonders that China has to offer.

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